Hi , I am
Devereux .

If I do not speak, I cannot hear my voice

About Me

I have worked in mental health services in the public sector for the past twenty five years. I am a psychotherapist, passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation, its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. I delight in supporting people finding the space and strength to gain clarity around patterns of relating and ways of behaving, which may no longer serve them. I have been known to throw everything in the air from time to time and 4 years ago moved from London, my home and comfort zone to Hereford, 1/2 mile down a single track lane. I am meditating on, enquiring in and now writing about the new iteration of the witch at the end of the lane or more likely the priestess at the end of the path. I am as ever supported by the love of the Priestess Presence temple and initiation and sisterhood in Enter the Mystery circle. To the one heart.


My Story


If you enjoyed my story in the Turning Point anthology and if you like listening to stories (which I do as I love being read to!), here is a recording of me reading my words, aloud. So grab a cup of tea, sit down and take a moment.

If I do not speak, I cannot
hear my voice


Contact Me

Sarah Devereux